St Margarets Church Ipswich
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Revd Sarah Geileskey

Home > Church life > People > Revd Sarah Geileskey

Welcome to St Margaret's! I have been part of this community since April 2023 and whatever your connection with St Margaret's church - as a worshipper, visitor, local resident or perhaps someone who has previously been part of the community, I look forward to meeting you.

Do join us on a Sunday morning for worship, for one of the activities taking place during the week or just pop in during the day when the church is open for a moment of peace. Perhaps you are curious about a Baptism or Christening, a Wedding or a Funeral - or you have questions about life and faith and you're wondering how to explore them, do not hesitate to be in touch.

And if our paths have already crossed - as I spend time with community groups in the church centre, in the school and the wider community, please do say hello when you see me. I'd be glad to hear your news.

With every blessing,
